2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)

Parishioner Engagement

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Check in for updates to this 85th Anniversary campaign. 

> Updates will be posted here, to keep you plugged in!

>  This campaign is ongoing: December 2023 to December 2024. The committee is using all of our parish communications resources to keep our community informed of opportunities to participate in this celebration: our Bulletin, website, social media, pulpit announcements, the Anniversary group in Flocknote, and our EBB (Electronic Billboard) in our Gathering Space. We especially welcome volunteers with skills in videography, writing, design and photography.

Click Here  to join our 85th Anniversary Information FlockNote group to receive updates sent via Flocknote directly to your mobile phone or email address. The Anniversary Committee messages will keep you updated regarding Anniversary plans, including opportunities to help. Those messages also will be displayed in a news feed at the top of this web page, just below our 85th Anniversary logo.

85th Anniversary Committee

The 85 Anniversary

Planning Committee

Sub-committees and sub-committee leaders:

  • Celebrations & Activities: Mrs. Betty Blackmon and Dr. Marian Johnson-Thompson
  • Communications: Mr. Donald Baker, Mr. Kevin Green, and Mrs. Anna Rzewnicki
  • Finance: Mrs. Yvonne Fisher and Mrs. Nadine Goodwin-Blake
  • Directory: Dr. Dolores Paylor and Mrs. Barbara Hayes
  • History: Ms. Joyce Ellis and Mrs. Carolyn Ross-Holmes
  • Liturgy: Mrs. Gloria Burton, Ms. Joyce Ellis, and Mr. Will Taylor
  • Outreach: Mrs. Ava Thompson

Black History Month Programming

The 85th Anniversary Campaign hosted a session at the beginning of the month during our family fellowship event to introduce the first of four Black entertainers. Mahalia Jackson was the first entertainer presented. If you missed it you can checkout the video from the event here. Please also register for our 85th Anniversary Information FlockNote group mentioned above to get additional key information about our 85th Anniversary Campaign programming. - 2/29/2024

A Prayer for our 85th Anniversary Campaign

Heavenly Father,

We praise you for you are the source of life. We thank you for our church and the many blessings you have given us over the past 85 years. Open our hearts and minds to you and help us to be good stewards of the gifts you have given us. Help us to be like Mary, always faithful to you.

We especially pray for the success of our project, that we may step forward together in faith and recommit ourselves to your mission of love. May our effort, combined with your grace, allow us to continue bringing people to Christ for generations to come. AMEN.

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