2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)

We Welcome You to Join Us

New Parishioners: Click here to download our registration form

Thank you for your interest in joining Holy Cross Catholic Church!

We welcome you and look forward to getting to know you. 

  • To register online, click the registration link in the green box above to access our registration form. 
  • Download, print and complete the form
  • Scan and send the completed form by email to office@hcdnc.org 
  • Bring your completed registration form to the church office (Tuesday - Friday, 10 AM -3 PM)
  • You also can:
  • Fold  it and put it in the collection basket at a weekend Mass
  • Mail it to Office Manager, Holy Cross Catholic Church, 2438 S. Alston Ave., Durham, NC, 27713.


A few instructions for completing our Parish Registration Form

  • Head of your household: Completed by head of household, whether Catholic or non-Catholic.
  • Spouse:  Leave this field blank if no spouse is registering. 
  • Other adults in your household (a parent, children age 18+ and not enrolled in school, or other adults) :  complete a separate parish registration form for each of the other adults in your household who are interested in registering with the parish. Each adult registered will receive a unique adult parish membership number used to keep track of donations and sacramental information.


Minor Children:  Complete the fields for each  minor child in your household.

Stay in Touch

Join our Flocknote network to receive announcements about parish ministries and enewsletters with information about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved in the life of the parish.

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