2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)


Experience faith through action, get to know new people, and learn new skills while  helping others. Our ministries are organized into six clusters, presented with the images below. Place your cursor over each image to bring up a brief overview of opportunities in that cluster. Click on the image to launch an email message to the cluster coordinator's email address. Type your message into the email form and click on the send link. 

Dig Deeper

View our Alphabetized Ministry List  to read about individual Holy Cross ministries.  When you find something that interests you, click on the contact person's email address and send a message to express your interest and begin a conversation about ways to learn more and get involved in the ministry. 

If circumstances keep you from joining our ministries at this time, you can still help by praying for our ministry teams, for those who benefit from our ministries, and for our parish as a whole. You will be a lever that helps to uplift us all. 

We observe COVID-safe protocols in all our activities. You may review them here. 

  • Consider joining the liturgical ministry team.
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