2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)


Holy Cross Safety and Security Ministry

The Holy Cross Safety and Security Committee's mission is "to provide for all the overall safety, health and welfare of our parish family and community during their participation in our church-sponsored activities and events, including our parish's faith formation and outreach initiatives," said Quincy Purvis, coordinator of this ministry at Holy Cross. Quincy previously applied his military experience to collaborate with the Pastoral Council in developing the parish's Emergency Preparedness Plan. He also provided the 'See Something, Say Something' poster below.

> Read about opportunities to participate in this ministry

Our Emergency Preparedness Plan


This was developed by members of the Holy Cross Pastoral Council to provide guidance and procedures in the event of an emergency at the church. 


A paper copy of this plan is in a binder in the church gathering space and in the parish office hallway. Parishioners, especially ministry coordinators, are encouraged to review our Emergency Preparedness Plan.

Our Emergency Response Team


Can you provide assistance in an emergency? 


Holy Cross would like to identify a number of people who typically attend our Masses or other events, who would be able to provide emergency response in case of a health or other incident. View the list of opportunities below.

Emergency Preparedness and Response Opportunities

The Safety and Security Ministry team is recruiting volunteers with specific skills to serve on our Safety and Security Ministry teams, listed below. For more information or to volunteer, please send an email message to Quincy Purvis. Indicate what emergency assistance you could provide and your related medical or other emergency response experience and certifications, and which Mass you typically attend. Let him know if you would like to serve as coordinator of this ministry and any questions you have about this opportunity.

  • Medical Support Team: Ideally, skilled First Responders — Individuals who can provide primary first aid and response for medical issues and emergencies during Mass or other parish events.
  • Safety & Security Support Team: These individuals:
  • Maintain situational awareness at all times during Mass or other events (Ushers, Greeters, Cluster Leader), looking specifically for unusual behavior and/or activities.
  • Assist in providing command and control of emergency situations.
  • Receive training for scenarios on emergency response activities.
  • Watch Keeper Team: Early detectors of threats or emergency situations (everyone in the parish is eligible). See Something, Say something.” These volunteers do not have to be skilled as a First Responder.
  • The committee will develop posters to include brief instructions on how to report an incident (Suspicious Packages, Medical Emergency, Active Shooter, Bomb Threat, etc.)
  • The committee will develop an announcement to be placed in the church bulletin, sent to our Flocknote subscribers, and posted to the parish website, to inform the parish that we have formed the Safety and Security Committee, explaining why and providing our vision and purpose.

Download the information chart from above.

To attend the next Safety and Security team meeting, contact Quincy Purvis

> Read a summary of the team's prior meeting.

COVID  Protocols at Mass and  Events


Our COVID-19 safety guidelines were developed to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. While we no longer require individuals to sign up to attend Mass nor to sign in when arriving at Holy Cross, we do remain concerned for the health and safety of all our parishioners and guests. Please observe the following protocols.


  • If you have a temperature above 100.4 degrees, have a cold or cough, or do not feel well, please stay home and participate in the Mass via livestream to our YouTube channel.


When attending Mass in person:


  • Wear a mask when indoors. 
  • Apply hand sanitizer frequently.
  • Keep a safe distance. Family units sit together; others should sit about six feet away.
  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass begins to allow time to get settled and prepared for Mass.
  • Sacred Silence Before Mass: Please maintain sacred silence when in the gathering space before Mass begins, as this is a time when Confessions are taking place. Conversation in the gathering space can disrupt the sacredness of the Confessional. 
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