2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)

African Ancestry Ministry: "Walk together. Work together. Love each other." 
— Pope Francis, June 4, 2017


Holy Cross AAMEN representatives: 

The African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization Network was established in the Diocese of Raleigh to foster the mission of the Roman Catholic Church:

  • Spread the Gospel
  • Celebrate the Sacraments
  • Form a faith community

To do this ministry, we must create an atmosphere in which individuals of African Ancestry:

  • Can maintain their identity
  • Heighten their visibility
  • Enhance their lives as Catholics

The ministry is concerned with nurturing those in the faith, reconciling those fallen away from the faith, and offering a church home to the un-churched through conversion to the Catholic faith.

Holy Cross is one of 14 AAMEN chapters in the Diocese of Raleigh and is represented by parishioners who attend quarterly meetings. Minutes of AAMEN meetings are posted in the next column. 


Tuition Assistance


> Parents : Tuition assistance is offered through AAMEN for children attending Catholic Schools in the diocese. View details here


African Ancestry Mass Schedule



Diocese of Raleigh website


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