2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)

We Remember

Remembering those Holy Cross members who have died.

We pray: Remember our brothers and sisters, our relatives and friends, and all those who have gone to their rest in the hope of rising again. Bring them and all the departed into the light of your presence.

To make arrangements for a funeral, Holy Cross parishioners are asked to call the parish office or send an email message to pastor@holycrossdurham.org

Following are parishioners who have died since the founding of the parish in 1939. If you discover that the name of a loved one (who was a Holy Cross parishioner) is missing from our Remembrance list, please send a message with the person's name and year of death to office@holycrossdurham.org and we will update this Page of Remembrance. 

A - C

Abele, Dorothy | 

Allen Bynum, Beatrice | 1999

Anderson, Edward | 1983

Andrew, James | 

Baker, Christopher | 1983

Baldwin, Chapin | 1980

Baldwin Meeks, Gwendolyn | 1965

Barboriak, Victoria | 2003

Bariay, Yosief Hashelit | 2023

Barnett, Gladys | 2010

Bass. Juanita | 2000

Bass, Ophelia |

Bibby, Anne |

Blackmon, Charles | 2005

Boone, Sr., Franklin | 2023

Boone, Frederick | 

Boone, Lois Day | 2017

Bowen, Frank "Pat" | 1978

Bowens, Nancy | 1997

Bracey, Warren |

Browne, Barbara |

Browne, Patrick | 1999

Browne Corbitt, Ramola | 2005

Butler (Gremillion), Veronica Joyce | 2019

Byas, Sr., Grant Lloyd | 2009

Cagney, Jennifer | 2007

Canty, Kevin | 2021

Stephanie Johnson-Canty | 2021

Cassidy, Patricia | 2005

Cassidy, Ted | 2006

Cefalo, Robert | 2008

Chapman Peters, Janice | 1994

Collins, Jr., Arthur L. | 2009

Corbett, Sr., Archie | 1997

Corbett Wiggins, Ramola | 2015

Cordice, Sr., Norman | 1987

Cordice, Eugenia | 2000


D - K


Davis, Alice | 2013

Davis, Joyce G. | 1993

Dean, Rose | 2006

Dickerson, John R. | 2013

Doutherd, Thomas | 2012

Drane, Virginia | 2010

Draper Jones, Barbara | 1993

Duncan, Ann |

Duncan, Robert |

Ellis, Barbara Hall | 2020

Ellis, Clarence | 1984

Elmore Wilson, Gloria | 2001


Faulkner, Sarah   1984

Fontenelle, Sylvester | 2018

Fowler, Bertie |

Fowler, Mary | 2008

Fowler, Richard | 1969

Fowler, Vertie | 2001

Foreman, Janet |

Garner, Henry | 1987

Garrett, Patricia | 2024

Glass, Dorothy | 2008

 Gordon, Sterling | 1978

Graham, Barbara | 2008

Graham, Jr., Corteland | 1981

Graham, Sr., Corteland | 2023

Green, Sr., William Earl | 2002

Green, Willie Nora | 1999


Gremillion, Luke | 2021

Guess, Julia |


Guion-Burnette, Christy Lee | 2022

Hartnett, Tim | 1979

Henderson, Lana   2024

Hooker, Lenora | 1990

Hinton, Daryl R. | 2022

Hunt, Michael L. | 2009

Jones Gardner, Mae | 2000

Kealey, Jeff |

Kennedy, Aletha | 1983

Kirk-Duggan, Michael | 2011



L - R


LaPerre, Sandra | 2009

Lawrence, Cheryl | 2002

Lawson, J. Ranaldo | 2018

Logan Poole, Vashtia |

Mabry, Corinne | 2017

McKinley, Nellie | 2016

McLane, Kathy | 2017

Meeks Wilson, Jennie | 1967

Miller, Jean | 2024

Miller, Bernie Myron | 1990

Miller, Helen | 2003

Mirabella, Vincent | 2010

Mitchell, Lisa | 2008

Molisse, Al | 2004

Montague, Henrietta |1972

Morales Burnette, Imogene | 2003

Nixon, Barbara | 1982

Norfleet, Walter | 2004

Odeh, Daniel |

Palmer, Eddie | 1995

Palmer, Jr., James | 2001


Parker, David | 2022

Elizabeth Parker | 2022


Patterson, Florine | 2016

Patterson, John R. | 2000

Perrault, Leo | 2008

Pinkard Walker, Mildred | 2002

Peterson, Marilyn | 1996

Pochinski, Barbara |

Pochinski, Ted | 2004

Purnell, Willie Mae | 2007


Ramsey, Edward | 1988


Rickard, Helen | 2016


Ricketts, Ashley L | 1997


Rollins, Herman | 2005


Ruffin, Clarence | 1986


Russell, Irene Green | 2022

Sampson, Garcia | 2023


S - Z

Samuel, Arnold | 2003

Saunders-White, Debra | 2016

Scruggs Douthard, Maryella "Tina" | 2015

Shaw, Abe | 1997

Shaw, Parham | 1997

Shaw, Vivian | 2003

Shearin, Arnetta | 2012

Shepheard, Raymond | 2010

Stallard, Bridget | 2004

Stevens, Jocelyn | 1980

Stubbing, Richard Anthony | 2004

Taborn, Janie | 2004

Thorne, Georage | 2013

Townsend, Charles "Chuck" | 2014

Walton, Catherine |

Webb, Woody |

Weiss, Ellen |

Williams, Abraham | 2007

Williams, Cole L. | 1998

Williams, Mary Lou | 1983

Willis, Albert L | 2018

Willis, Anner | 2024

Wilson, Aileen | 2005

Wilson, Cora | 1979

Wilson, Elviolet | 1990

Wilson, Walter "Kyser" | 2018

Wilson, Richard | 1998

Wilson, William D. | 2009

Wright, Frank H. | 2015

Wright Martin, Rose | 2014

Yellock, Elwood | 1993

Yellock, Georgetta | 1998

Zalud, Mary | 2004

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