2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713
Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)
The Holy Cross Rosary Prayer Group | Wednesdays at 7 PM.
All are welcome.
Click here to add your email address to our Rosary Group Zoom link mailing list in our Flocknote network.
You will receive the Zoom link each Wednesday, sent by our coordinator, Tony Kumi.
Click to access Rosary Prayers
Click to access the Meditation Rosary for Black Catholic History
Click to read about the history of the Rosary.
About the Holy Cross Rosary Prayer Group
When COVID began, healthcare guidelines prevented a group of Holy Cross women from continuing to gather in the parish library to pray the Rosary each week, but that didn't keep them from praying. Instead, they each prayed the Rosary at home, at the same time, knowing that others in their group were praying in solidarity with them at their own homes.
They later launched an online Rosary prayer group that continues to gather via Zoom each Wednesday at 7 PM. Women and men of all ages are welcome. To receive the Zoom log-in link, click here to add your name, email and phone number to the Rosary Group in our Flocknote network.
The image on our Rosary Prayer Group page shows the statue of Mary located in a small prayer garden on the south side of our church. Parishioners and visitors are frequently stop to pray at this station. Click here to read the story of Holy Cross's Mary statue.