2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)

Holy Cross Parish Advisory Councils

Download Holy Cross Organizational Chart

Finance Council Members | 2024

Meetings: After 10 AM Mass, first Sunday of each month.


Pastoral Council Members | 2024 


Meetings: 7 PM, second Tuesday of each month



About the Holy Cross Pastoral Council 


The parish's Pastoral Council serves as an advisory resource for our pastor, Fr. Pius Wekesa, bringing to him needs that have been identified by the Council members and suggestions submitted by parishioners. In collaboration with the pastor, the Council members help to develop processes, research solutions and prioritize parish needs for facility and operational improvements. 


Parishioners are welcome to attend the Council meetings, and to communicate with members of the Council personally or by submitting remarks to the Pastoral Council Comments Box located in the church's gathering space, to the right of the parish office.


Holy Cross Pastoral Council expectations


  • Enthusiasm about the future direction of the parish.
  • Commit to attend regularly scheduled 60- to 90-minute meetings on the second Tuesdays of the month and any called special meeting with a three-day notice. 
  • Willingness to attend a Pastoral Council half-day retreat and orientation/training.
  • Willingness to listen, to speak respectfully and honestly, and to work through discernment to reach a consensus.
  • Ability to work well with others, to be flexible, and to be open with people and and their ideas.
  • Ability to articulate Pastoral Council actions and goals to parishioners.
  • Ability to inspire and empower others.


Holy Cross Mission Statement


Holy Cross Church was founded by the Society of Jesus to serve the African American Catholics of Durham. We are a people baptized in Christ. We gather to worship the Lord in joy, to proclaim the Gospel, and to serve the Durham community, as well as, the needs of the whole people of God. Our special character as an African American parish continues to shape our worship, our ministries, and our contribution to the wider church


Holy Cross Pastoral Council Members (elected in 2020)



Ex Officio Council Members  




About the Holy Cross Finance Council  


The Holy Cross Finance Council serves as an advisory resource for our pastor, Fr. Pius Wekesa. The Diocese of Raleigh requires that each parish have a finance council which is regulated by universal law as well as by norms issued by the diocesan bishop, to aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods….”


These diocesan norms emphasize that the Finance Council is an advisory body to the pastor in matters pertaining to the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of financial administration


 Finance Council Members



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