2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)


Holy Cross Bulletin


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... to open and read our current edition, with the latest Holy Cross announcements, prayer requests, birthday listing, ads from our Bulletin sponsors and more.


The link will open in an external file that you can download to read, or you can read online.

Scroll through our photo gallery for highlights from Parish events.

Interested in checking out archived Bulletin editions? Send an email message to office@holycrossdurham.org and schedule a time to stop by and look through the Bulletin Archive Binder (BAB). 

If you have old Bulletin editions at home, send an email to Toni at office@holycrossdurham.org, including the date(s) of the editions you have If she doesn't have it in the BAB, she'll schedule a date and time for you to drop off your edition. 


  • Men's Society project

    Men's Society 2023 Grounds Clean-up

  • Quilting Ministry

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  • Durham CROP Hunger Walk 2022

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  • Mardi Gras 2023

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