2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)

Holy Cross Bulletin


Stay connected and updated. 

 Pick up a printed copy of our Bulletin after our weekend Masses.  
A digital copy of our current Bulletin
is posted to this web page by 12 noon each Friday. 


Click here to open and read our current Bulletin online or download.

Interested in viewing archived Bulletin editions?
Send a message to
office@holycrossdurham.org to schedule a time

to view our new Bulletin Archive Binder (BAB) in an available office.
Have old editions of the Bulletin at home?

Send an email message to office@holycrossdurham.org with the

date(s) of the editions you have. If that edition is not in the BAB,

office staff will arrange a time for you to drop it off at church.


Planning an event or have news to share about your ministry?

Click here for our space reservation process and communication options,
including the
Bulletin, Website and Flocknote. Click here for help using Flocknote


Click here to submit your content to the Bulletin


The deadline for submitting content is 12 Noon Thursday, 10 days prior to the Sunday edition in which content is to appear.


For example, content for the Sunday, July 3 Bulletin,
must be submitted to the parish office by 12 Noon on Thursday, June 23 . 


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