2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)

Sign Up to get 85th  Anniversary Celebration Event Information 

For future communications about our 85th Anniversary celebration events we will be using a Flocknote group which has the ability to send emails and/or text messages about the various events and activities planned for the year. To stay plugged in and receive the communications, please use the below form to subscribe to our '85th Anniversary Information' Flocknote group. 

Complete the form above then click 'ADD ME'. Once you see the green check mark next to the '85th Anniversary Information' group(see example in image on left below), be sure to scroll to the bottom and click the 'next' button(see example in image on right below). Once you have clicked "Next" , you are done and you can close the page.  thanks

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