2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)

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Stewardship: Ministry Opportunities

The Four Pillars of Parish Stewardship: Hospitality, Prayer, Formation and Service 

Video and U.S. Bishops' statement on the Spirituality of Stewardship

Those involved in parish and community engagement are participating in stewardship. We are blessed to have many good stewards at Holy Cross and welcome new and current parishioners to join them in ministry. Have a suggestion for new ministries? Write them on a note card and place them in our Pastoral Council Drop Box, located in our church gathering space.


What our Councils do


    The Holy Cross Pastoral Council serves in support of the pastor and other parish clergy, in collaboration with the Finance Council. Council members are elected by parishioners to serve three-year terms. Two members complete their term each year, and two new members are elected by the parish to fill the vacancies. 

    A Council member may be elected to two consecutive terms, but then must skip one term before serving on the Council again. The pastor, deacon and Finance Council chairperson are ex-officio members of the Council. Check back here for the next Pastoral Council election date.


    Contact: Anna Rzewnicki: Website content and template updates, Flocknote administration/training; news and feature writing, photography.

    Team includes Don Baker (Electronic Billboard), Kevin Green (technology)

    Communications includes both technology and content. Volunteers with skills in either channel are always welcome, as are those seeking to gain experience. 

    This ministry supports internal and external parish communications, in collaboration with our administrative team and diocesan communications. Our goal is to keep our parish and local community informed of Holy Cross news and opportunities to engage with us, and to keep our parish aware of opportunities to engage in the commumity. Volunteers with experience in any aspect of communications - or a desire to gain experience - are welcome. 

Holy Cross Pastoral Council Members

Holy Cross Finance Council Members

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