The Holy Cross 85th Anniversary Communications Subcommittee is coordinating communications for our 85th Anniversary Committee, which is being co-chaired by Jackie Ellis and Reggie Ross-Weaks.   This Communications Subcommittee's co-chairs are Donald Baker and Kevin Green. This team will utilize many of its processes and tools to achieve our objective. As such new communication processes will be surfaced to the Parish Communications team for their guidance as our tools and techniques should all be a subset of those utilized by Parish Communications. However, that does not mean that we won't or can't trail blaze and provide best practices in utilizing these tools to the parish and parish communications. 

First step is for communications subcommittee members to add themselves to our '85th Anniversary Communication Subcommittee'. If you already have an id in flocknote please don't add a second email/cell phone number. Simply go to flocknote and login and join the group. If needed enter your email and send yourself a Login Email. 

But if you don't already have an id in flocknote use this form below to join our group. 

PS don't forget to scroll to the bottom and hit 'Next'. After you complete the form and hit 'Sign Me Up' below. thanks! 

Would you like to receive updates from the 85th Anniversary Committee? Simply add your information below and click the 'Sign Me Up link. You will receive messages sent via our Flocknote account. 

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