2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)


COVID-19 Protocols


Updated 12.12.21


Diagnosed with COVID after being at Holy Cross?  Call our confidential COVID Hotline: 919-957-2900, ext. 26 


Observing the following COVID-related health and safe ty procedures is required when at Holy Cross.  


  • Wear a mask covering nose and mouth when inside our facilities. 
  • Apply hand sanitizer frequently.
  • Holy Communion currently is administered only in the form of consecrated bread, which the priest or deacon will place in the palm of your hand as you approach the altar. After receiving, please briefly step away from the Communion path to consume the host, then return to your pew.
  • Maintain a six-foot distance between yourself and others who are not in your immediate family. 
  • If you do not feel well, and especially if you have a temperature of 100.4 or higher, please stay home. Our weekend Masses are livestreamed to our YouTube channel and posted to our Facebook page afterwards. 


Diagnosed with COVID after being at Holy Cross? 


Call our confidential COVID Hotline: 919-957-2900, ext. 26 


You will be prompted to leave a voice message with your name, phone number and email address, date and time when you were at Holy Cross, and the date when you received a positive COVID test result. A message will be sent to all members of the parish for whom we have contact information, alerting them of the incident and encouraging them to watch for COVID symptoms and take precautions. All information is held in confidence, and we will pray for a speedy recovery.


Frequently Asked Questions


Can someone bring Holy Communion to me in my car? I have health issues that prevent me from entering. 

> Yes, the deacon or priest can do that for you. Please inform the usher of your need. Ushers are stationed at the main entrance to the church.

I am homebound. Can someone bring Holy Communion to me at home? 

> Yes, send an email message to deacon@holycrossdurham.org and he will make arrangements for you. You also can make a call to the parish office and leave a message with your request and the best number to reach you by phone

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