On Saturday, February 3rd Holy Cross held its annual Liturgical Ministers training. Over 40 ministry stewards attended the training. Fr Pius kicked off the event stressing the sacred mission of our duties as liturgical ministers. These messages were  given to the leaders of the ministries to utilize as part of their training with the stewards afterwards.  

We invite you - those that are being called - to also join these ministries. To do so please use our FlockNote Liturgical groups to sign up for the appropriate ministry. Separately, please also reach out to the leaders listed below to let them know of your interest. You should find some key messages from that training captured as initial emails from the ministry stewards.  thank you!

  Liturgical Ministry Leaders

Christine Cameron - Lectors

Eric Crump - Extraordinary Ministers

Jackie Ellis - Altar Servers

Judy Gardiner - Sacristans

Anthony Wilson - Ushers

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