2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713

Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)

Welcome to Our Road to Sainthood

Our Road to Sainthood is an initiative at Holy Cross Catholic Church of Durham to engage, encourage, and embolden young adults of the parish (ages 21+) to recognize their invaluable role as servants of God. Christ is calling each and every one of us to participate in and contribute to the life, health, and growth of our beloved Church both locally and universally.

See link below to register to attend an upcoming session!

Sign up for the OR2S Flocknote:

To receive messages about OR2S, complete the form then click 'ADD ME'.

Once you see the green check mark next to the 'Our Road to Sainthood' group, be sure to scroll to the bottom and click the 'next' button.

Once you do that you are done and you can close the page.

About OR2S Sessions:

This ministry will offer Young Adults an opportunity to attend informational sessions and social events centered around deepening faith, fellowship and encountering others on the road to sainthood.

Sessions will include enjoying refreshments and a "keynote" presentation followed by group discussions around the presentation's topic.

We are all called to be saints at every phase of our lives; we are all on the road to Sainthood!

See link below to register to attend an upcoming session!

Join us for our next session:

Stay tuned...

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