2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC 27713
Mass & Confessions Times (Mass Livestream is currently not available)
February 13 | Shrove Tuesday: Pancake Supper: 7 PM
February 14 | Ash Wednesday Services: 8 AM & 7 PM
Fridays in Lent | Adoration : 6:30 PM and Stations of the Cross: 7 PM
March 5 Tuesday | Holy Cross Penance Service & 1st Reconciliation: 7 PM
March 28: Holy Thursday | Service: 7 PM
Good Friday | March 29 | Stations of the Cross : 12 PM and Service: 3 PM
Easter Vigil | March 30: 7:30 PM
Easter Sunday | March 31:
10 AM
New for 2024: Floating Holiday. Catholic Center & Holy Cross employees may elect to be off on one of the four Federal Government Holidays listed below: