January 11, 2024
Following is our updated 2024 Holy Week Schedule. Monday, March 25 | Parish office is closed Tuesday, March 26 | No communion service nor Mass at 8 AM Please consider joining our parishioners and others at the Chrism Mass, 10: AM at Holy Name of Jesus, 715 Nazareth St., Raleigh, 27607 Parish office open Wednesday, March 27 | No communion service nor 8 AM Mass Thursday, March 28 | No communion service nor Mass at 8 AM. Holy Thursday Mass begins at 7:30 PM. Altar of Repose begins immediately after Mass and ends at 9:30 PM Friday, March 29 | Living Stations of the Cross, outside (weather permitting) at 11:30 AM The Passion at 3 PM Saturday, March 30 | Easter Vigil begins outside (weather permitting) at 7:30 PM Sun., Mar. 31 (Easter Sunday) | Mass at 10 AM Easter Egg Hunt immediately after Mass Mon., Apr. 1 & Tue., Apr. 2 | Parish office closed for Easter holiday