Parishioner Spotlight

On Becoming a Playwrite | Renee Nixon, Holy Cross Parishoner

Holy Cross children and adults have enjoyed performing in and watching plays that Renee has written, directed and produced at Holy Cross and in community theatre venues for decades. 

Creativity originates from both the mind and heart.

Source: Bianca Vinther, Oct 4, 2021,  4 min read

Renee's newest production, WEDDING DAY WORRIES, is up for several more since its initial performances in 2023. Following are her responses to an online interview with Holy Cross Communications.

When did you get involved in theatre? And Why?

Ever since I was a child, I’ve been on stage for one reason or

another. either dancing, doing speeches and a little acting in high

school plays. I think my mom had me start performing because I am a

true introvert (most people don’t believe me) and she wanted me to

get out of my shell.

What was your first production? 

The first play that I produced was Blindsided in 2010. It was the story

of a talk show host trying to win an Emmy and dealing with drama on the

show and behind the scenes.

How many plays have you produced since then?

In total, I’ve produced six  plays. After Blindsided, in 2017, I did WORRIED: The

House Tour. Attendees saw 10 monologues as they toured a model

home. Then in 2018, I put WORRIED on stage with 12 monologues

and 2019, I staged WORRIED 2.0. Then the world shut down. In

2022, I was a part of Bloom Theatre Festival and had 2 10-minute plays performed: SON and DAZED. In 2023, I staged WEDDING DAY WORRIES.

Where does your inspiration for the story line come from?

My inspiration comes from everywhere: conversations I’ve heard or had,

TV, movies, and music.

Share a list of your awards, and the number of your productions:
In 2019, my play, DAZED & STUNNED was selected for

the Fade to Black Theatre Festival in Houston, TX.

In 2022, I won the Broadway World Regional Award for Best Director- Until The Flood. I directed the streaming play in January of 2021 for Burning Coal Theatre.

In 2023, my monologue, TEST was selected for THE FLOW Monologue Festival in Houston, TX.

In 2024, my play, WEDDING DAY WORRIES won 6 Broadway World Regional Awards i

What would you say to our younger parishioners about getting started

in the arts? How to know which path to follow?

My advice to anyone (youth or adult) who is interested in getting into the arts: Do  It. Take classes, read and write. There is no clear path, you just have to take the first step. Let your imagination fly. You are never to old to follow your dreams.

Anything else you’d like to add?

If you aren’t creative, support the arts. All artists need support. Go see a play, watch a movie, go listen to a band, go to a gallery. Support.

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