Parents' Meeting after Mass this Sunday (Sept. 11)

Faith Formation Resumes Sunday, September 25

“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” – Luke 18:16

A Letter from our pastor and director of religious education (August 2022)

Dear Parents,

We, as Catholics, have the joy of experiencing the fullness of our faith through receiving the sacraments, participating in the Mass, observing Holy Days, praying, and through instruction in faith formation classes for children.

All these opportunities are for the purpose of developing a relationship with God our Father, and living out the teachings in our very humble everyday lives, in how we respond to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Holy Cross Faith Formation classes begin on Sunday, September 25, 2022, 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM


A few initial Faith Formation details

  • All children will gather in the front pews of the church for music with Ann Daaleman, a parishioner and music instructor, from 11:15-11:30 AM, before reporting to their respective areas for formation classes.
  • K- 5 classes will be held in the social hall (non-sacramental students).
  • 1st year of First Communion class will meet in the (TBD).
  • 2nd year of First Communion class will meet in (TBD).
  • Middle School grades will meet in the church.
  • Confirmation Class will meet in the library.
  • High School students will meet in (TBD).

Children who have received the sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion will be given instruction that prepares them for the joyful and honorable experience of being an altar server.

Our older students are invited to serve as lectors and ushers. This is a wonderful way for our youth to participate in the Mass and gain a deeper understanding about all the various parts of the Mass and service to others. I appeal to you to join us in encouraging your child to serve in some way and support their participation. This is a great opportunity to begin experiencing “the living of their faith through service” to the church family. They have another opportunity for living out their faith in the broader community by volunteering at one of the Catholic charities in the Raleigh/Durham area.

In accordance with the Diocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection, our parish has a Safe Environment Team. The team coordinates the training for all the Catechists/Faith Formation and other volunteers who may come in contact with your child or children, on recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. A background check is also conducted, as required clearance of all volunteers working with our children.

The registration fee for classes is $20.00 per child. The fee is requested to help defray the cost of curriculum materials, supplies and other learning resources for our students.

 A copy of each child’s baptismal certificate is required for our records if this sacrament was done at another parish.

All children are welcome, whether you can afford the registration fee or not. Place completed registration forms in a sealed envelope marked Faith Formation and drop the envelope in the collection basket during Mass. You also can drop it off at the church office during our Tuesday-Friday office hours, or mail it to the church  address: Faith Formation, Holy Cross Catholic Church, 2438 S. Alston Avenue, Durham, NC. 27713.

Parents are the primary and the best influence in their children’s faith-growth and in their religious and moral development. Attending Sunday Mass is part of your child’s faith development and an essential requirement if they are in a sacramental class. Parents of youth in the sacramental classes are expected to attend the workshops necessary for the preparation of these sacraments. You will be informed of the dates of these workshops in advance. 

It is requested that the parents walk children to class, stay with them until their catechist arrives and pick them up promptly at 12:30 PM.

Our first parent meeting will be held on Sunday, September 11 at 11:15 AM in the parish Fellowship Hall. 

We are grateful for your sincere support in the important development of your child(ren)’s faith and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Pius Wekesa, pastor:

Carolyn Ross-Holmes, director of faith formation:

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